15 Days of Sweet Designs

[Project] 15 Days of Sweet Designs

A quick spot which was designed for Panal Creative after it was rebranded in order to get it’s name out there. Panal is translated as honeycomb and the team here at Panal Creative take the concept of sweet designs very seriously.

Virtues of Property Management

[Project] Virtues of Property Management

[Type] Promotional Video

[Client] Private

[Notes] We created a quick spot which promotes the virtues of property management versus going it alone.

I am firmly of the belief that when you are launching a new business you should be sure to put some thought into your visual appeal. There is nothing worse than a company which has a great idea that gets neglected because they have a messy brand representation. Don’t make that mistake. Your idea deserves quality representation.

Introducing CSTI

[Project] Introducing CSTI

[Type]    Promotional Video

[Client]  Central St. Mary Technology Initiative

[Notes]   We were tasked with creating a video which reflects the mission of the Central St. Mary Technology Initiative which was developed to ensure that every child in St. Mary is able to benefit from early exposure to age appropriate modern technology.

I am firmly of the belief that when you are launching a new business you should be sure to put some thought into your visual appeal. There is nothing worse than a company which has a great idea that gets neglected because they have a messy brand representation.

Don’t make that mistake. Your idea deserves quality representation.

Look Professional

I am firmly of the belief that when you are launching a new business you should be sure to put some thought into your visual appeal. There is nothing worse than a company which has a great idea that gets neglected because they have a messy brand representation.

Don’t make that mistake. Your idea deserves quality representation.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I know february 14th has long gone…but this is my blog and I do as I like. But really though, I have no idea why this vid was not posted before but I have decided to remedy that today!

With no further ado…I present to you…


I really believe that I have found my niche. I love designing but videos is definitely my passion! This was just a personal project I did in my spare time.

Sound off in the comments and let me know what you think.

My 2013 Resolution!

Last year I only made 0 (why does that look more like an o [letter] than a 0 [zero] resolutions. this year I decided to build on what I’ve been working on last year and as such I only made one resolution this year…what is it? See video below.

The Process

Here is another piece which I did. This time around it is to highlight ‘The Process’ (emdfx’s animation process) from start to finish.

1. Meeting
2. Conceptualization
3. Design and animation.
4. Final Render

I am going to stop making promises that I can’t keep.

Pardon The Interruption!

Here is another piece which I did this time around it is to wish all emdfx customers and fans Merry Christmas!

I promise you that the article which I wrote on Simply Effective Design will be ready for next week…until then please enjoy and sound off in the comments and let me know what you think.

Fresh Design Sundays Spot

So this week I had an extensive article planned on the effectiveness of simplicity in design. However I was unable to find a suitable conclusion so I decided to forego that and instead show you a video which was done some time ago to promote a concept we have on our Facebook page called #freshdesignsundays.

Sound off in the comments and let me know what you think.